Calling all members and “frequent-flyers”: Vision 2.0 church ministry and family progress meeting at Oakwood United Methodist Church, Lubbock Texas. On Saturday, March 30th, 2019 from 9am to 12pm Noon. Coffee, donuts, and fruit will be provided during the meeting.

Come be a part of our planning for the future of Oakwood UMC. Let your voice be heard. This is a continuation of our congregation and ministry focused planning for operation and outreach at Oakwood United Methodist Church.

– Did you know that Oakwood has the longest continually operating preschool in Lubbock, Texas?
– Oakwood United Methodist Preschool, Lubbock Texas. (2215 58th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79412 [Google Maps link])

– Follow the Preschool on Instagram
– Sunday Church Service @ 10:30am.
– Our Church Sunday Schools are now opened back up (come study @ 9:15am).
– We re-opened our Thursday Morning Prayer Group (TMPG) Hour of Power @ 6:30am.
– Live (Sunday Church Service) on Facebook Live