Effective March 16, 2020, the following procedures will be implemented at Oakwood Methodist Preschool.
– (due to new covid19/coronavirus-related CCL-mandated health policies)
All DROP-OFF’s and PICK-UP’s will take place in OVERTON HALL.
DROP-OFF’s can occur between 7-10:00 a.m.
PICK-UP’s can occur between 3-6:00 p.m.
**If you need to drop-off or pick-up outside of these hours, please call the Preschool Office and speak with Mrs. Larissa @ 806-792-1220.
Preschool staff will take children to/from Overton Hall.
Parents/Guardians will only be allowed in the Preschool Hallway in extreme circumstances.
The main Preschool door will remain closed until further notice.
EVERYONE will have their temperature taken EVERY morning.
We realize these procedures will take a little longer than your normal drop-off and pick-up routines. Please understand that we are adhering to new regulations set forth by Child Care Licensing and that we are doing everything possible to ensure the health and safety of your child. Thank you for your patience and for working in partnership with us during this season!
Call with any questions? – 806-792-1220