Oct. 6th, 2019: United Methodist churches observe World Communion Sunday (on the first Sunday each October). It focuses on an observance of the eucharist. World Communion Sunday is an ecumenical celebration by people of many denominations in an effort to promote unity among Christians around the world. (via UMC.org: World Communion Sunday: “Grace for the World”)
This is one of the special Sundays authorized by the General Conference to be observed with the taking of an offering throughout the denomination. The observance focuses the attention of United Methodists on the universal and inclusive nature of the global Church. One-half of the proceeds from the offering is for World Communion Sunday Scholars administered by the General Board of Global Ministries. The remaining one-half is to be used for the Ethnic Scholarship Program and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program, which are administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
Communion: The Meal that Makes Us One
“Take communion as often as you can. It is food for the journey.” Meditate about the sacrament, and reflect on how it nourishes your own faith. It’s a special worship service observed by several Christian denominations. But, what exactly are we celebrating?
– Did you know that Oakwood has the longest continually operating preschool in Lubbock, Texas? http://oakwoodmethodist.org/preschool/
– Oakwood United Methodist Preschool, Lubbock Texas. (2215 58th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79412 [Google Maps link])
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– Sunday Church Service @ 10:30am.
– Our Church Sunday Schools are now opened back up (come study @ 9:15am).
– We re-opened our Thursday Morning Prayer Group (TMPG) Hour of Power @ 6:30am.
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